Turtles all the way..

https://www.wothke.ch/webgl_orbittrap/ Yet some more fooling around with WEBGL fragment shaders. This time I threw in some HTML5 canvas stuff for good measure (see: youtube).  

Tous Egaux

https://www.wothke.ch/webgl/ A first dive into combining THREE.js with some custom WEBGL fragment shaders. The WebAudio based C64 music playback completes the “old style” demo screen (see: youtube).

WebSid online C64 music emulator

https://www.wothke.ch/websid/ Whereas earlier versions of my C64 music emulator had been Flash based, this marks the transition to HTML5/WebAudio. Here a link to a youtube recording in case your browser …


https://www.wothke.ch/tinyrsid My WebAudio based C64 music hardware emulator is the root of this particular experiment. The pages are done using Joomla with custom MySQL/JavaScript/jQuery/CSS/AJAX thrown in for special purpose GUI …